5 Reasons to start exercising for better mental health today.
As a personal trainer with over three years of experience (and having exercised for even longer) I have witnessed firsthand the incredible transformations that regular physical activity can bring. While the physical benefits are often celebrated, I've also seen the profound positive impact that exercise can have on mental health, both in myself and in the clients I've worked with. Mental health has become a crucial topic of discussion with the positive benefits of exercise being often overlooked. Here are 5 ways in which I have found exercise to improve mine and others mental health.
Boosts self-esteem
No matter what they are, acheiving your fitness goals big or small can provide you with a sense of accomplishment, which can boost self confidence and self-esteem. Whether these goals are focused on body image, or performance. Having these achieveable fitness goals can have a big impact on self esteem, and therefore overall mental health. To see this boost in self esteem I believe it is vital to set realistic goals. Seeking guidance from a personal trainer can help you set these goals. If you go into your workouts with unreal expectations or goals, then not achieving these may cause a negative impact, rather than a positive one.
2. Exercise is a distraction from everyday life.
If you are engaging in any exercise that demands focus, you'll find that it naturally draws your mind to the present moment. This heightened concentration can effectively shift your attention away from daily stresses and worries, providing your mind with a much-needed break. In both my own workouts and those of my clients, I’ve noticed that intense focus during exercise can provide a mental break from outside stressors. For that hour, you’re so engaged in your workout that the worries of the day often fade into the background.
3. Improves mood
Physical activity can trigger the release of dopamine and serotonin, which are key chemicals in the brain that regulate mood and emotions. Coaching a variety of different people I regularly see clients arrive in a negative mood, and then leave in a much more positive one. I often like to include some boxing related circuits into my programming as a way of improving cardio, and also as a way in which you can release some anger.
4. Enhances sleep quality.
In my own experience I have found that exercise has helped to regulate my sleep patterns, and also promoted more restful sleep. In turn I have found that this has had a huge positive impact on my mood and mental health. This also can link to my previous points about how exercise can help improve mood, and be a distraction from everyday stressors. Exercise makes me feel more relaxed when it is time to go to bed, which has a positive impact on my sleep.
5. Increase social interaction.
Group exercise, team sports, or even just going to the gym can provide social benefits. This social interaction can have benefits on mental health, by helping to decrease feelings of loneliness. Alongside this joining a gym, a class , or a sports team can give you a sense of community and belonging. Which can also have massive positive impacts on mental health.
In conclusion.
These are just 5 brief reasons that exercise can have a positive impact on mental health. It is important to note that solely exercise on its own will most likely not cure all of your problems. However the positives exercise can have on mental health should not be overlooked.
If you are looking to add fitness as part of your routine and experience the mental health benefits that exercise can have. Click the link below to book a FREE session.